digital art,

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  • For Home
  • Businesses
  • Public Spaces

Meet Niio

Niio is the go-to platform for curated digital art. Stream, collect, and share digital & video art, wherever you are.

Create & share playlists

Create your own playlist, or enjoy curated artcasts. Share to spread inspiration.

Manage your art collection

Upload your artworks and import NFTs, with high-grade management and preservation tools.

Showcase art on any screen

Turn your screen into a standalone gallery-grade digital art canvas, up to 8K quality.

Art curation for any event​

Create a unique atmosphere with our curated art selections for every mood and moment.

If you have a Smart TV, you have Niio!

Integrate digital art into your public space

Niio is a global platform designed to give brands the solutions to seamlessly display digital art

Curated digital art plans for public spaces

Enhance public spaces by transforming them into mesmerizing immersive art experiences

Access the largest library of digital art

Choose high quality digital art from a selection of exclusive limited-edition catalogs.

Showcase art on any screen

Turn any screen into a standalone gallery-grade digital art canvas

Art curation for any event​

Create a unique atmosphere with our curated art selections for every mood and moment.

If you have a Smart TV, you have Niio!

Art Lovers

Explore curated selections of video and digital art from leading artists and galleries.

Buy and loan artworks.

Experience art on any screen, creating your own playlists and take art wherever you go.


Support artists and elevate your space with high quality artworks.

Access our pre-curated selections of artworks to create a special ambience, or contact us for a customized project.

Commission or semi-commission artworks and display exclusive art.

Art Pros

Artists, Galleries and Collectors

Manage your art collection, preserve your artworks with cloud storage and access them anywhere.

Offer artworks for sale or loan in catalogs.

Display art in professional-grade quality on any screen.

Niio is made to support artists

A unique combination of ways for digital & video artists to manage, preserve and expose their work to millions.

Trusted by leading brands

Our award-winning platform is trusted by leading brands in the hospitality and real estate industries.