Discover & collect art

Explore artworks to stream, purchase or borrow. Support the artists and celebrate their work.

Create & share

Create your own playlist, enjoy curated ones. Share to spread inspiration.

Manage your
art & NFTs

Import your art & NFT collection. Manage and preserve your works.

Display on any screen
up to 8K quality

Showcase your art on any screen, turning it into a standalone gallery-grade digital art canvas, up to 8K quality.

A streaming service for a renaissance

We are in the midst of a generational art movement with digital, time based art and NFTs. It’s time to get involved.

Art must be seen. Everywhere

Neural Groove

Every screen can be your art portal

Learn more about digital and video art in Editorial

Exclusive interviews and articles
Our Editorial section offers you insights into video and digital art, interviews with artists and art professionals, and quick reads about concepts and terms.

Participate in an art revolution.

When you subscribe to Niio – artists win.

Niio adds inspiration to your life and connects artists and those who appreciate innovation in art and culture.  

In a broken world, art completes us.


$0.00 / month

Watch art collections in preview mode – on 1 screen

Discover and experience curated digital art

Preview Access to Artwork Collections

Create playlists and cast to any screen from mobile


Starting from 
$9.99 / month

Watch in Full HD quality – on 1 screen

Discover and experience curated digital art

Full Access to Artwork Collections Create playlists and cast to any screen from mobile.

Become an art supporter

In case we missed anything.

is Niio Stream™?

Niio is an art streaming service that allows you to turn screens into digital art canvases at up to 8K quality. Works of more than 7,500 artists, galleries and museums – NFTs included - available for purchase and streaming on any screen. Create your own playlist, enjoy curated ones. Support artists, live with creative energy around you.

How does
it work?

You can enjoy Niio for free! Access thousands of artworks and art playlists and stream it to any screen of your choice. Niio Stream™ Premium plans start from $6.99/ mo. With the Niio mobile app, you can discover artworks, follow curated art playlists and easily stream them on the screen of your choice up to 8K quality.

How can I display Niio on my screen?

(1) Mobile - Cast art from your mobile app using AirPlay (iOS) or Cast (android).  (2) AppleTV - Download and install the Niio app from the AppStore on your AppleTV   (3) Samsung TV - Download and install the Tizen Player App on your Samsung TV screen. 


You have a new home