Solo Show ULU Braun/ BitteBitteJaJa
Curated Artcast
Curated by Niio Curatorial
BitteBitteJaJa is represented by German video- and filmmaker Ulu Braun and German conceptual artist Roland Rauschmeier. The “Cadavres Exquises Vivants” – Series is a collaborative work which unifies the fortunate coincidence with severe digital compositing. These works are nourished by the poetics of surrealism and its theatrical transformation into the digital domain. These works are available for subscribers as one-series/meaning all works as one, and to be displayed only via portrait format.
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Curatorial Program
The Curatorial Program is dedicated to the idea of displaying curated moving image art in private and public spaces.
The “Cadavre Exquises Vivants” – series developed from the artistic practice used especially by the surrealists in the 1920 called “cadavre exquis”. We transferred this idea in our digital domain. The result is a complex drama of a fictional personage, doing a specific action in a particular surrounding. The work combines found footage and self-produced material in a mesmerizing digital collage. The final name of the work is added afterwards to decontextualize the factual historical personae and give enough space for the spectators imagination.
The “Cadavre Exquises Vivants” – series developed from the artistic practice used especially by the surrealists in the 1920 called “cadavre exquis”. We transferred this idea in our digital domain. The result is a complex drama of a fictional personage, doing a specific action in a particular surrounding. The work combines found footage and self-produced material in a mesmerizing digital collage. The final name of the work is added afterwards to decontextualize the factual historical personae and give enough space for the spectators imagination.
The “Cadavre Exquises Vivants” – series developed from the artistic practice used especially by the surrealists in the 1920 called “cadavre exquis”. We transferred this idea in our digital domain. The result is a complex drama of a fictional personage, doing a specific action in a particular surrounding. The work combines found footage and self-produced material in a mesmerizing digital collage. The final name of the work is added afterwards to decontextualize the factual historical personae and give enough space for the spectators imagination.

Artists collaboration
BitteBitteJaJa is the collaboration of Berlin based artist Ulu Braun (born 1976 in Schongau /Germany) and vienna based artist Roland Rauschmeier (born 1974 in Augsburg / Germany). Braun attended the University for applied Arts in Vienna and received his diploma at the „Hochschule für Film und Fernsehen Konrad Wolff“ in Potsdam 2006. Rauschmeier was joining analytical philosophy classes at the FU Berlin and received his diploma for visual arts at the Academy of fine Arts in Vienna 2005. Since 1997 they produce works in different medias.