Niio & Barco Residential Announce Partnership @ CEDIA (San Diego)

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Niio + Barco Residential @ CEDIA (San Diego, CA)

CEDIA is the world’s largest trade show dedicated exclusively to high-end residential technology and is the only show which brings the home tech industry together around connected technology.

This was the perfect opportunity to announce our collaboration with Barco Residential, and  to debut “LED Digital Art Canvases” which combine Barco’s world leading display technologies with Niio’s manage and display platform for video and media art.

Read more about our official partnership announcement here.

Interested in learning more about how Niio and Barco Residential can transform your home?  Get in touch. 

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Interview with the artist duo Moonwalker (Dany Vo and Vy Vo), creators of mesmerizing artistic compositions exploring nature and fashion.
Interview with the artist Cosette Reyes, one of the winners of the SMTH + Niio Open Call for Art Students in 2024.